Do you recognize the 10 signs of a scarcity mindset?

Sierra Bailey
12 min readSep 10, 2021
Photo by ra2studio from Canva Pro via Getty Pro Images

Are you being held back from your goals by your mindset?

Do you feel there’s never enough of something, be it time, money, energy, opportunity, or love? Perhaps you think that it’s impossible to attain something you want to have or achieve? Maybe you think that life is happening to you and is out of your control? Interestingly, what these thoughts all have in common is that they may be due to your having a scarcity mindset. Having this mindset in business can hold you back from achieving or even having goals. Today we’re going to talk about not only the difference between scarcity and abundance mindset but how you can start to work on moving your own thoughts from scarcity to abundance.

I came to enjoy talking about it, thinking about it, and understanding it because of Steven Covey his book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. Besides Steven Covey, there are a ton of books, articles, and podcast episodes out there that talk about a scarcity mindset. If you are interested in learning more, go searching! But in this article, I am going to keep us oriented on the business side of things.

What is a Scarcity Mindset?

The main premise of a scarcity mindset is that you think that life is a zero-sum game. You believe that…



Sierra Bailey

Business educator and talented, tiny business owner expert. Author of Smarter Starting. Fueled by coffee and books.