How to Handle Holidays in Your Business

Sierra Bailey
4 min readJun 11, 2021
Photo by Nataliya_dv on Getty IMages Pro via Canva Pro

It’s summer here in the United States! Well, kinda sorta. The official kickoff in the US seems to be Memorial day weekend and with it a three-day weekend. This brings me to what I want to talk about today. How to handle holidays in your tiny business. The short answer is: however you want.

Knowing this, we’ll now go through five ways that you can handle the holidays. Because Memorial weekend starts off a series of long weekends in the US. And they’re not always long weekends that people necessarily want to be taking off from work. Maybe you live in a resort area and it’s your busy time. Maybe you create things that have a summer theme and it is your time to shine. So you may be fully working and completely bogged down with all of the business that you’re getting. If so, congrats! That’s awesome. But I want to talk today about those of us, that this kind of slows to a halt on these long weekends and if you do want to work, and of course how to handle it if you don’t.

We’re going to start with the first one and that is celebrate, enjoy, take the day off guilt-free. Enjoy that long weekend in whatever way you wish. Do whatever you like to do traditionally on those holidays or make some new traditions, enjoy the time and spend time with friends, family, and meet new friends.



Sierra Bailey

Business educator and talented, tiny business owner expert. Author of Smarter Starting. Fueled by coffee and books.